Eilat Region 550 by: Dafna Tal Eilat Region 550 by: Dafna Tal Courtesty of: Israeli Ministry of Tourism

Coming Soon

We are working on a study of the Hebrew language that will be in 22 parts. Each part will break down the meaning of the featured Hebrew letter with an explanation of how the letter evolved. This is very important for any person seriously searching for the roots of their faith. In order to truly understand what the Scriptures/Bible say, one must truly understand the language it was originally written in. Here is a bit of history on the Paleo language and alphabet.

Some people argue that Paleo Hebrew is a misnomer because the Paleo Hebrew comes from the Phoenician alphabet; which is also referred to as the Proto-Canaanite alphabet for inscriptions older than 1050 B.C. The Phoenician alphabet comes from around 1500 B.C. as a Northern Semitic language.

But it should be noted that the Phoenician alphabet comes from around the time of the Exodus which we now know was around the 1580 - 1550 B.C. time frame. The Exodus of the Hebrews correlates with the "Hyksos Expulsion" which occurred in 1580 B.C. It is argued by some that the Phoenicians were actually the Hebrews because of historic parallels during the expulsion of the Hyksos under Pharaoh Ahmes, Achmose (Hebrew: Ach-mo-se - brother of Moshe), who pursued them to southern Palestine. However, there is no record of "Hebrews" in Egypt. But there are the "Hyksos" as the Egyptians called them.

The Hyksos controlled upper Egypt to as far south as Hermopolis with Avaris in the Eastern Delta being their capital. The Egyptians referred to them as hekau khoswe, "the rulers of foreign lands" or, as we would call them, "foreign invaders". One population center of the Hyksos was named Tel al-Yahudiyyeh which is very closely related to the Hebrew Yahudim (Ya-hoo-deem) or, "Judah".

Josephus attempts to paralellel the ancient Hebrews with the Hyksos in Contra Apionem with quotes from the Ptolemaic Egyptian writer Manetho. Manetho refers to a brutal invasion of Egypt by an eastern people who dominated Egypt and were eventually expelled by the rulers of the 18th dynasty. Manetho named the invaders as "Hyksos" and interpreted this to mean "king-shepherds". Josephus claims an alternative interpretation of the Hyksos as, "captive shepherds". Josephus classifies the Hyksos as the forebears of the Jews by equating them with the story of Joseph in Genesis and the expulsion with the Exodus story. It is significant to note that some of the names of the Hyksos rulers echoed Biblical names such as, "Ya'qb-hr" (Jacob) and Shesha which is similar to Sheshai, a ruling family in Kiriath-Arba in Judges 1:10.

Although some people in the western religious system think Simcha Jacobovici (Ya-cho-bo-vitch, of "The Naked Archeologist" fame) is an anti-Christ, he presents a very compelling presentation that is very supportive of Josephus' position. If you have Amazon Prime you can watch "The Exodus Decoded" to see the archeological evidence of the Exodus. One such example is a Paleo inscription on a wall in a turquoise mine by a Hebrew/Hyksos slave reading, "El, save me". This being the case, it tells us the Phoenician Alphabet and Paleo Hebrew were one and the same having occurred at the same point in time. 

Two other sources report on this, and similar information, and when combined together with Josephus and Jacobovici lends credence to the scholars that argue the Phoenicians and the Hebrews were actually one and the same; Encyclopedia Judaica and the Jewish Virtual Library. Neither of these sources draw the same conclusions in our discussion here, but in my opinion much of the information they present supports these assumptions. I encourage you to investigate this further and come to your own conclusions.

This information is important for understanding what the Scriptures actually say. In my book, "Exposing Lucifer", I explain that the Hebrew "El" does not translate into English as "God". It is demonstrated that "G-d" actually comes from pagan mythology and that it is not a title; it is a name. The ancient Hebrew, "El" actually translates into English as, "Mighty One".

Yeshua said,

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. ~ Matthew 5:6

This can also be stated as, "seek and you shall find". If one does not have a hunger and thirst for knowing the truth, one will not find it. Those that lack the hunger and thirst will fall for all manner of microwaved theology - the doctrines of men. The only way to truly understand the Scriptures is to forget about ninety percent of what we have been taught in Hellenized religion and search the ancient Scriptures in the same manner as the Bereans ~ Acts 17:11.

Each week we will be adding a letter of the Hebrew aleph-beyt with a breakdown of its meaning. This is only a springboard to launch the reader on a path of investigation and discovery.

Written by 
Friday, 14 August 2015 00:00
Read 12147 times

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