Negev 572 by: Dafna Tal Negev 572 by: Dafna Tal Courtesy of: Israeli Ministry of Tourism



Remember: Hebrew is read from right to left.

Ancient Paleo Hebrew, 15th Century BC: a

Tel Dan Paleo, 10th Century BC: a

Chaldean Flame Letter Hebrew: a

The meaning of aleph comes from its Ancient and Tel Dan uses as the head of an ox signifying: “strong”, “power”, "leader".

The ancient Paleo Hebrew a aleph carried the “ah” or “eh” sound. When combined with the l lamed, for example, we get la - El. El is translated as “mighty one” rather than the erroneous “god”. The lamed is the "shepherds staff" signifying leadership and authority. Combining aleph (bull's head - strength, power, leader) with lamed (shepherd staff - leadership, direction, authority) we come to the meaning, "Mighty One". We will get back to the lamed later. Ancient rulers would wear bulls horns on their heads and carry a staff. The bulls horns eventually morphed into the "crown" while the shepherd staff evolved into the "scepter".

The erroneous "God" translation, on the other hand, actually comes from Canaanite/Syrian paganism and was the name of their chief deity of luck and fortune (see “Exposing Lucifer”) - hence, "baal g-d", "Lord God". Even in Hebrew, "god" still means "luck" or "fortune" and is never used, not one single time, nadda, to refer to YHWH. But you will find it used in condemnation of "... those who prepare a table for g-d..." Isaiah 65:11-12 (read it in Hebrew).

In Tel Dan Paleo a and contemporary Hebrew a the aleph fell silent and gets its vocalization from the added vowel. It is used to show the vowel pointing but it is not a part of the vowel. It is renders the notion of “beginning” or “out of nothing comes all things”. As with the Ancient Paleo Hebrew the Tel Dan and contemporary also mean: strong, power, and leader.

It is easily recognizable that the English “A” comes from the Tel Dan Paleo rather than from Latin.



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Friday, 14 August 2015 00:00
Read 5354 times