Eilat Region 535 by: Dafna Tal Eilat Region 535 by: Dafna Tal Courtesy of: Israeli Ministry of Tourism

Netzari History Part 6

543 CE

In 543 the writings of Origen were condemned by edict of Justinian. Even though Origen had quasi-Gnostic tendencies, his writings and Hexapla were also important. This act was part of the consolidation of the Anti-Sabbatarian Trinitarian dogmas in the East. The Empress Theodora died in 548.

550 CE

The Poles settled in western Galicia, and the Ukrainians settled in eastern Galicia. In the same year also, the Welsh were fully converted to Christianity by David and Sabbath-keeping became entrenched in Wales, where it was not to be fully expelled until the eleventh century. Married clergy continued until the twelfth century there. Columban the Irish missionary in France and Italy (550-615) also dates from this year.

563 CE

The Sabbatarian Celtic Missionary Columba, established himself on the Island of Iona and began to convert the Picts.

565 CE

Justinian I died and was succeeded by his nephew Justin II (d. 578). The Lombards then drove the Byzantines from northern Italy to the south, but left them in Ravenna. Audoin was succeeded by his son Alboin who, helped by the Avars, destroyed the Gothic kingdom of the Gepidae on the lower Vistula and in 568 founded a Lombard kingdom in northern and central Italy.

567 CE

Leovigild king of the Visigoths (to 586) drove the Byzantines from Western Spain and conquered all Spain in 585. The Frankish kingdom was also partitioned in to Austrasia consisting of Lorraine, Belgium and the right bank of the Rhine and Neustria (France) and Burgundy.

570 CE

Muhammad the founder of Islam was born. In 572 war between Persia and the Byzantines again broke out and was continued under Chosroes II after his ascension in 590 to 628 and Islam was established by 632. By 632 the political divisions that will ultimately lead to WWIII were established.

589 CE

The Council of Toledo is held. The Spirit is declared to be a progression from the Father and the Son (Filioque: Roman Catholic). Thus, Trinitarians hold the position contrary to scripture that the Son is a Generation of the Father, yet there was no point at which the Son did not exist. The same is held to be true for the Holy Spirit.

The council also prohibits Jews from purchasing Christian slaves and enacted that any Jew circumcising such a slave on the basis of Genesis 17:12f should forfeit him.

Unitarian Visigoths in Spain converted to Catholicism, declared state religion at Toledo.

590 CE

Demarcation - The Whore of Revelation

Authari king of the Lombards was succeeded by Agilulf (d. 615) and pope Pelagius II was succeeded by pope Gregory I called the Great. He declared the "Holy Roman Empire" thus establishing the world wide anti-Messiah apostacy. Netzarim, Jews and Sabatarian Commandment keeping Christians are then persecuted directly by the so-called Roman Catholic or Triune system. The year 590 CE plus 1260 years = 1850 CE, the end of the "Inquisitions" (Daniel 7:25), see 1850 CE.

597 CE

Gregory sent Augustine as missionary to England in 597 who baptized Ethelbert at Kent and commenced the Catholic system in Britain. The Church began to be persecuted and it came to be largely outside of the Roman Empire. Hence, it was outside the reach of the Orthodox church until the eighth century and also from the establishment of the Holy Roman Empire in 590. The persecutions of the faith lasted over a period of time, which encompassed the power and rule of the Holy Roman Empire from 590 to 1850.

During the 1260 years from 590 to 1850 (Daniel 7:25) the Roman Catholic Church has built its theology on false premises, based on Greek Philosophy and pagan systems of worship. Their adoption of the pagan calendar threw Trinitarianism into conflict with every tribe and people that had, or read, or studied the Bible and the Law of God. As a result, in order to preserve its authority, it introduced national and international systems of persecution and repression, which were to result in the extermination of millions of peaceful law-abiding citizens over the continent of Europe and in Asia Minor (and later in the Americas). Its incursions into the Middle East in the so-called Crusades, saw it inflame the hatred of Islam to the extent that it has now polarized over half the world. The twentieth century has seen this war advanced against a peaceful law abiding citizenry of Europe, with the deliberate mass extermination and genocide of the Jewish and Sabbath-keeping Christian people of Europe.

Catholicism was not established in Britain, until the conversion of the Angles by Augustine of Canterbury. Ethelbert king of Kent, was converted to Catholicism at Pentecost 597 (according to Butler Lives of the Saints, ed. Walsh, concise edn., p. 158) and many (some 10,000) subjects were baptised at the pagan midwinter Christmas festival of 597. The Christians of Britain were, up until that time, predominantly if not exclusively all Sabbath-keeping, and kept the kosher food laws and the Kadosh (Sanctified). They were not dominated by Rome until the Synod of Whitby in 664 at Hilda's Abbey, where they submitted under duress.

Columba of Iona kept the Sabbath and foretold his death on the Sabbath, Saturday 9 June 597 (Butler Lives of the Saints, Vol. 1, art. St. Columba, p. 762). Butler says in his footnote, that the practice of calling the Lord's day the Sabbath did not commence until a thousand years later (Adamnan Life of Columba, Dublin, 1857, p. 230. This was also commented on by W. T. Skene in his work Adamnan's Life of St. Columba, 1874, p. 96).

600 CE

Gregory commenced the program for the peaceful conversion of the Jews. He then introduced picture books to replace the Bible for the illiterate. The Gothic Bible dates from ca. 351. The Bible was devalued, finally being effectively removed from the general public by Rome until after the dispersal of the Holy Roman Empire in 1850.

603 CE

Lombards converted to Roman Catholicism Trinitarian Christianity penetrated the Russian people at the end of the tenth century, from the Greek Orthodox structure at Constantinople. It may well be that this was entirely a political decision, in view of the fact that the Khazars in the south and through the Ukraine into Europe were all Sabbath-keeping, both Jew and Christian. So also were the Bulgars who came in at the same time as the Huns in the tenth century. So also were the Paulicians relocated in Thrace under Constantine Capronymous in the eighth century and later by John Tsimiskes in the tenth century.

610 CE

Muhammad begins preaching in Arabia.

741-775 CE

Constantine Capronymous, Emperor of the east, invites the Paulicians to settle in Thrace.

745 CE

Council of Liftinae in Belgium in 745 in its third allocution warns against the keeping of the Sabbath and refers to the Council of Laodicea (ca. 366).

781 CE

The Sabbath experience in Asia was predominantly non-Trinitarian until the Jesuits began their missionary work. The Nestorians, and the African missionaries followed the early church [Netzarim] into Persia, India and then into China. Sabbath-keeping posed a serious threat to Buddhism and was outlawed by Buddhism.

The Sabbath-keeping churches [Netzarim] in Asia were also, as a rule, non-Trinitarian. They kept the food laws and also denied confession and purgatory. The divisions of these churches followed, in the main, from the Councils of Constantinople and Chalcedon.

The Chinese had long experienced the Netzarim system and, as elsewhere, the Sabbath was a sign of biblical literalism. In 781 it was already well established. In 781 the famous China Monument was inscribed in marble to tell of the growth of The Way in China at that time. The inscription of 763 words was unearthed near the city of Changan in 1625 and allegedly now stands in the Forest of Tablets at Changan. The extract from the tablet states:

"On the seventh day we offer sacrifices, after having purified our hearts, and received absolution for our sins. This religion, so perfect and so excellent, is difficult to name, but it enlightens darkness by its brilliant precepts" (M. l'Abbe Hue Christianity in China, Vol. I, Ch. 2, pp. 48-49).

The Abyssinian Church remained Sabbath-keeping and in Ethiopia the Jesuits tried to get the Abyssinians to accept Roman Catholicism. The Abyssinian legate at the court of Lisbon, denied they kept Sabbath in imitation of the Jews, but rather in obedience to [Mashiyach and His Schlichim] (Geddes Church History of Ethiopia, pp. 87-88). The Jesuits influenced king Zadenghel to propose to submit to the Papacy in 1604, and prohibiting Sabbath worship under severe penalty (Geddes, ibid., p. 311 and also Gibbons Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Ch. 47).

791 CE

Allegedly, Ambrose of Milan kept Sabbath in Milan and Sunday in Rome, hence giving rise to the saying when in Rome do as Rome does (Heylyn, op. cit., 1612). Heylyn identifies the Church at Milan from the fourth century, as the centre of Sabbath-keeping in the West (ibid., part 2, para 5, pp. 73-74). It is thus not surprising that the Sabbatati had their school there, as recorded under the Vallenses at the time that Peter Waldo joined them. The Sabbath had been observed in Italy for centuries and the Council of Friaul (c. 791) spoke against its observance by the peasants at canon 13. "We command all Christians to observe the Lord's day [Sunday] to be held not in honour of the past Sabbath, but on account of that holy night of the first of the week called the Lord's day. When speaking of that Sabbath which the Jews observe, the last day of the week and which our peasants observe ... " (Mansi, 13, 851).

800 CE

The Huns appear to have moved into the steppes, becoming allies of the Khazars, and remained there until they occupied Pannonia again after 800, with the now officially Jewish, Khazar support. The possibility cannot be dismissed, that the Sabbatarians in Transylvania actually came in as part of the horde of the Huns from Khazaria and Levedia and had been part of the Eastern church established from the beginning by the apostles through the Parthian empire (cf. Grun, The Timetable of History, 3rd ed., Touchstone, 1991, p. 30)

970 CE

Second relocation of the Sabbatarian Paulicians into Thrace occurs under John Tsimiskes.

What They Said


"If Protestants would follow the Bible, they would worship God on the Sabbath Day. In keeping the Sunday they are following a law of the Catholic Church."
     ~Albert Smith, Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, replying for the Cardinal, in a letter dated February 10, 1920.

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